If your account has an API rol, you have a Maps API dashboard. You can visit the dashboard by going to your profile in the top bar, by clicking the API Applicaties button on the left side.
At the API applicaties page you can create an application and get an overview of all applications available under your account. Each application will have it’s own settings and security permissions, as described in the General API documentation. For Maps API this means that Viewers from different applications are isolated.
To create an application, click at “Toevoegen”. A Maps API and a Product API will be automatically created. To recognize an application, each application must be given a name. To change it’s settings click ‘Instellingen’ (the edit icon).
Viewers are available in Maps API, which is accessible by clicking the second button. The third button gives acces tot Product API https://docs.planviewer.nl/productapi/index.html.
In order to have a map, a viewer must be created. Go to Maps API to create a new viewer. Use the Viewer aanmaken button. Existing viewers can be edited by using the Details button in their respective row.
When creating a new viewer, you have to choose to enable or disable some features in the viewer by default (showing the print button, showing a reset view button, showing some measuring tools): These settings can be changed at any time.
Basic options
Advanced options
After creating the viewer, by clicking on ‘Aanmaken’, you will enter the layer (kaartlagen) overview.
When a new viewer is created, it has no dossier outline set. By default the sovereign Kadastral borders of the Netherlands are set as the dossier outline.
Location positioning is done in 3 ways:
- Dossier Outline
- GPS positioning
- X-Y Positioning (Rijksdriehoeksstelsel)
GPS position can be activated on opening the viewer or by displaying a GPS “target” button in the viewer or both.
Both GPS and XY coordinates can also be given set as variables in the querystring. Resulting in the viewer always loading to that point.
For GPS the variables are:
For XY the variables are:
We highly recommend you always set a dossier outline for your viewer, to provide the best experience for your end users.
To set a dossier outline you can click the Dossiergrens Instellen button. This will take you to the Outline editor.
Outline editor¶
The outline editor (dossiergrens editor) will by default show a viewer of the Netherlands. With the toolbox, you can change how you will set a dossier outline, for example by clicking multiple plots.
In the toolbox, you can select/deselect plots, but it also possible to create an outline with the polygon method. When using the line method, all plots on that line will be selected.
Changes in the editor are automatically saved.
To close the outline editor, it is best to use the back button of your browser. That way you will go back to the layer overview.
Using this part of the dashboard you can configure your layers (Kaartlagen). Layers are applied to a specific viewer. Layers may either be base (basislaag) or non-base (overlay) layers. In a map viewer/editor there may always be only one base layer active. This base layer will never be transparent. There may be multiple overlay layers (non-base layers). It is possible to make an overlay layer transparent to allow users to view the underlying layer.
By default a viewer will have the following base layers: - OpenStreetMap (OSM) - Aerial (Luchtfoto) - BGT (Basisregistratie Grootschalige Topografie) - Bestemmingsplannen
To create a new layer press the Nieuwe kaartlaag button. This will present you with the following screen:
On this screen you may pick one of the following types of layers:
- Empty (white background)
- OpenStreetMap (OSM)
- Aerial (Luchtfoto)
- DKK, Kadaster parcels (Kadastralegrenzen / Percelen)
- DKK (as WFS)
- BAG, Buildings
- BAG (as WFS)
- IMRO (Bestemmingsplannen)
- External WMS
- External WMTS
- External WFS
- Vector
You can also specify whether the layer should be a base or an “overlay” layer. If the underlying information should be exposed to an a user, the layer should be (Raadpleegbaar).
By specifying “Instellen transparatie”, a transparancy slider will be set for a layer. For base layers it is not possible to use a transparancy slider.
When clicking on “create” (Aanmaken) more information is asked, depending on the layer type selected. In case of a vector layer, you get the following screenshot:
Note that external WMS (Web Map Service), WFS (Web Feature Service) or WMTS (Web Map Tile Service), resources must be publicly available for Planviewer to use. When using IP-whitelisting, please contact Planviewer for more information.
Layers may be sorted. Note that sorting for base layers only changes the default layer shown. To sort layers, simply drag them around by holding your left mouse button over any row in the table. The order is updated once a layer is released.
WMS , WFS and WMTS layer¶
You can use data from external services as WMS, WFW and WMTS. When using one of those service, the URL of the service must be given. After entering the service, a select option of the available layers of that service will appear.
Translations and filtering¶
Feature information returned from a service, is not always obvious, or the field name is not as expected. To present the data better to your users, it is possible to translate the field name or not to show the field name.
Setting these options is done through Filtering en vertaling
To rename your fields, use the field name and use the field vervangende waarde. Use the checkbox Tonen to show the feature info to the users. Click the button Aanmaken to save the details.
This option is only available when the data for that layer is exposed, and it is not a base layer.
Vector layer¶
When choosing a vector layer, the following screen will appear.
choosing a vector type is required. You can choose one from:
- Polygonen
- Lijnen (lines)
- Punten (points)
With uploaden data toestaan, you can choose wether it is possible to upload a shape file or not.
Using Bewerken via editor toestaan it is possible to create your own shape or change the uploaded shape data through the editor.
When the layer has a large data set, it is sometimes better to have it show as a WMS. That way the viewer will load faster. You can use the option weergeven als tiles to toggle this option.
The special vector layers enable users to provide their own data to the Maps API platform.
The following functionality is exposed on the dashboard:
- Specify custom fields
- Upload shapefiles to import the features
- Editor
- Translations and filtering (see above)
- Supply custom Styled Layer Descriptor (SLD) files.
- Download the features.
- Legenda.
1. Specify custom Fields¶
The fields corresponding to a vector layer can be defined. When features are uploaded using the shapefile upload method, these fields allow those features to be edited directly. When drawing new features using the editor, these fields can be specified. Values within features that are not specified as a field are read-only and can not be edited. The fields can be accessed in the layers screen with the fields (Velden) button:
The fields shown in the overview are sortable, and can be dragged similarly to layers to re-order them. Fields can also be edited and deleted. Deleting a field will never remove any actual data from the features, but will only make them read-only.
With the new field (Nieuw veld) button a field can be created. The title of a field is the human-readable name of the field that will be presented to the user in either the viewer or the editor. The actual name of a field is the one used by automated processes, such as when downloading the data, but also when matching a feature to expressions within the Styled Layer Descriptors (SLD’s).
A field can either be a text field or a choice (Keuze) field. The value within a feature may conform to the values specified in the choice field. A user is capable of specifying other values at any time. These anomalous values will not be added to the choice field, but will be presented in the editor regardless.
2. Upload shapefiles to import the features¶
Features may be uploaded in bulk as shapefiles.
Specifically these shapefiles are zipped directories containing at least a shp
, shx
and dbf
Optionally a SLD
file may be provided to specify custom styling used in the editors and viewers.
For more information on the file format see the
Shapefile ESRI white paper.
3. Editor¶
Finally features can be added and edited using the editor. The editor can be found behind the following button for each Vector layer:
A feature can be edited simply by clicking on it. For any feature the set of values is displayed. For every field an editable input element is showed. Every other value is shown read-only.
On the editor you may use the Shapefile upload icon to select a shapefile and optional SLD (Styled Layer Descriptor) all combined in a single zip file to upload data to your map.
In order to upload a shapefile you must provide a zip. You must also indicate the type of layer for your shapefile. It must either consist of points, lines or polygons. If the wrong type is indicated the layer will end up being empty.
4. Translations and filtering¶
For details, see above.
5. Supply custom Styled Layer Descriptor (SLD) files¶
By supplying a custom SLD, it is possible to have your own styling for a vector layer. When choosing this option, you can upload the SLD. If you want to remove the choosen SLD, simply choose this option and in in the next screen, click ‘Verwijderen’.
6. Data download¶
To process the data from a vector layer in other applications, You can export your data in the following formats:
7. Legenda¶
Gives a list of each color in the layer, with an desciption of what that color means.