Externe Client¶
Naast de “Polka interne OAuth Client”, is het ook mogelijk om een eigen OAuth client te gebruiken en de access_token aan Polka te geven.
instellen MapsAPI/POLKA OAuth & Externe OAuth Client¶
Je hebt een MapsAPI Applicatie aangemaakt
Ga naar applicatie instellingen
In MapsAPI: Bewerk OAuth gegevens
In MapsAPI OAuth: Kies “Extern” en klik op “Opslaan”
In MapsAPI OAuth: Vul veld “Issuer” in Deze moet overeenkomen met de claim “iss” van de door externe server uitgegeven JWT
In MapsAPI OAuth: Vul veld “JWKS URI” in Deze moet wijzen naar de locatie van de externe server waar de “JSON Web Key Sets” op te halen is. voorbeeld:
In MapsAPI OAuth: Klik op “Opslaan” Na opslaan is het veld “Audience” ingevuld, dit is de waarde die door de externe server gebruikt moet worden als claim “aud” in de JWT.
Configureer Polka:
provider: “extern” en stel een callback in die een access_token ophaalt en teruggeeft.
"base": "https://www.planviewer.nl",
"viewer": {
"identifier": "<jouw viewer identifier>"
"view": {
"oauth": {
"provider": "external"
De POLKA viewers in jouw MapsAPI applicatie maken nu gebruik van een externe OAuth provider
Volledige voorbeeld¶
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8"/>
<link rel="icon" href="/favicon.ico"/>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/openlayers/openlayers.github.io@master/en/v6.5.0/css/ol.css" type="text/css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../css/style.css" type="text/css">
<title>Polka - OAuth - Externe Client</title>
<div id="map" class="map-full"></div>
<script type="module">
import config from '../polka-oauth-extern.json';
import { setup } from './setup.js';
import { PolkaPlus } from '@planviewer/polka-plus';
import { OAuth2Client, OAuth2Fetch } from '@badgateway/oauth2-client';
const polka = setup(config);
/** vind mijn kaart-container */
const map = document.querySelector('#map');
/** initialiseer Polka met de kaart-container */
polka.viewer.view.map.target = map;
import { PolkaPlus } from '@planviewer/polka-plus';
import { OAuth2Client, OAuth2Fetch, generateCodeVerifier } from '@badgateway/oauth2-client';
export const setup = (config) => {
const redirect_uri = window.location;
const client = new OAuth2Client({
// The base URI of your OAuth2 server
server: config.oauth.base_uri,
// OAuth2 client id
clientId: config.oauth.client_id,
authorizationEndpoint: config.oauth.authorization_endpoint,
tokenEndpoint: config.oauth.token_endpoint,
const fetchWrapper = new OAuth2Fetch({
client: client,
* You are responsible for implementing this function.
* it's purpose is to supply the 'initial' oauth2 token.
getNewToken: async () => {
/** need to store this if you want to use PKCE */
// const verifier = await generateCodeVerifier();
const _current = new URL(window.location);
/** if not has code from redirect .. */
if (!_current.searchParams.get("code")) {
/** try login */
const authorize_uri = new URL(await client.authorizationCode.getAuthorizeUri({
redirectUri: redirect_uri,
// codeVerifier: verifier,
/** specific to Auth0 */
scope: ["openid", "profile", "email", "offline_access"],
/** specific to Auth0 authorization */
authorize_uri.searchParams.set("audience", config.oauth.audience);
window.location = authorize_uri.toString();
} else {
/** redirected from OAuth login */
const code = await client.authorizationCode.getTokenFromCodeRedirect(
* The redirect URI is not actually used for any redirects, but MUST be the
* same as what you passed earlier to "authorizationCode"
redirectUri: redirect_uri,
// codeVerifier: verifier,
/** remove code from url */
history.replaceState("", null, _current.toString());
return code;
* Optional. This will be called for any fatal authentication errors.
onError: (err) => {
// err is of type Error
config.oauth.auth_callback = async () => {
const access_token = await fetchWrapper.getAccessToken();
return access_token;
const polka = PolkaPlus(config);
/** Wacht totdat de setup klaar is */
const event = polka.viewer.events;
event.addEventListener("expose.setup.done", (e) => {
const layers = polka.viewer.view.map.layers;
/** set alle lagen visible */
Array.from(layers.values()).forEach((layer) => {
layer.visible = true;
return polka;